AWG History


AWG Music
All Events

Official Song of Authenticity
Drilled A Wire Through My Cheek by Blue October
Official Pay-Per-View Songs
Devine Intervention (Featuring the Lethal Lottery)- Holy Diver by Killswitch Enagage
Destiny- Not Falling by Mudvane
Unforgivable Sin- Blow by Atreyu
Purgatory- Bored by Deftones
AWG Epidemic; AWG's first CD
Authenticity Theme- Drilled A Wire Through My Cheek- Blue October
Rage- Leech- Zero1Zero
TC Jagger- Water- Breaking Benjamin
Rob DiPietro- Through Fire and Flames- Dragonforce
Jackboot- 5 Minutes Alone- Pantera
Pierce Cavanaugh- Prayer of the Refugee- Rise Against
Dollar McDougal- Into the Lavender- Rubyhorse
Adrian Young- What I've Done- Linkin Park
Travis Beckham- Death March- Black Label Society
Jace Diggs- Becoming the Bull- Atreyu
Lee Varitek- Guernica- Brand New
Jack Gaither- One Vision- Queen
Preston Romeo- P***y Control- Prince
Serena- Hit the Floor- Linkin Park
Clayton Clemmons- Turning Japanese- The Vapors
Max Power- My Way- Frank Sanatra
Sage Christensen- Feel So Numb- Rob Zombie
John Mercer- Dream On- Aerosmith
Cap'n Carnage- You Wouldn't Know- HELLYEAH